Dear Cambodia
How have you been? Do you feel alright?
Many awaken nights tears in my eyes, I think of you and missing you. Everyday, I wonder if you are ok. Whenever I see you in pain, my heart breaks into uncountable pieces. When I see you bleed, my heart bleeds. I feel desperate my arms yearning to reach you. At night, I dream of your angel face, the heavenly woman.
Cambodia, you’re a beautiful woman who got raped and infected by deadly mysterious virus. You’re like a drum skin that has been beaten to numb. Cambodia, your gentle heart is killing you. Your kind nature is being raped. You are heavily wounded. My heart is wounded. You’ve been sick. I pray to buddha, alas, almighty god to rescue you that one day you will be back on your feet again.
I love you with all my heart. Longing to see your beautiful face. When will you be back? Your unconsciousness kills me. Come back to your sense, you know I love you. Allow me to see your lovely smile, your happy face before I die. Yesterday, today, tomorrow once again. You will be always in heart. I love you dearly.
^_^ satreykhmer
Your words make me can't stop my tear. I also feel sorry for our country which once was a great Empire.
When I were in Cambodia, I thought that our country was great and strong but everything was changed after I come here. In the eyes of foreigners, Cambodia is just a small country which has a tragedy history.I feel so sad with what people think about Cambodia.
Blue Sky, At
1:33 AM
I am sorry to have made you sad but this is the reality. Cambodia is ill, she hasn't gotten any rest either. The mysterious disease keeps on penetrating into her body giving her no chance to the see the light.
The past was glorious. Many of us still carrying that memory and live with that dream. But sad truth, she's not what she used to be anymore.
But there's hope sister, as long as there is you and me, we can help bring her back, no matter how long it takes.
Location:, At
10:03 AM
Let's do our bests for our dearest country (*0*)
Blue Sky, At
4:21 AM
this is a reality of Cambodia.
but i think her beautiful land now ,is moving to the light.
The light of happiness, glory, honor and so on. i wish all of her citizen live in the good standard of condition!
And i hope all of you will be the main column for that light!
Let`s go on!
naychumnith, At
4:39 AM
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